Remove Issues Holding Me Back
Jeff Mumford is so much fun to work with! He is very knowledgeable, highly motivating, and very giving. He really cares about his clients attaining the best life they can. After just one lesson I was hooked! My lesson was at Swing Trilogy (a dance competition in Raleigh, NC). He showed me how the problems with my body were causing problems in my dance. But wait, not only did he tell me what was wrong, he showed me how to fix my body through a mobility exercise program. He proved to me that fixing those problems would improve my dance by removing issues that were holding me back. I was so thrilled that I immediately asked for another lesson for my friend. She was frequently in pain but did not want to give up dancing. He worked with us and showed us the exercises/corrections we needed. My friend is now able to dance without pain and her life has improved tremendously. If she has a hard day and the pain comes back, she does a few more exercises and the pain goes away. She is able to treat herself immediately!!!
For me, not only has my dancing improved but I have lost 2 dress sizes in only 4 weeks!!! I am much fitter and highly motivated to continue with this program. I even sent it a portion to my 70 year old mother to help her with her every day pain. My life has improved tremendously since that first lesson! Thank you Jeff for caring and being so helpful!
- Tara M.